Like 220 others I'm aching all over from an exhilarating, challenging but ultimately worthwhile three days cycling the South Downs for The Argus Appeal at the weekend.

The organisation was superb and I want to say a big thanks to all those who organised and volunteered to help.

Unless you walk or cycle the whole South Downs Way it's impossible to know fully what fantastic countryside surrounds us. The experience has only redoubled my desire to see a South Downs National Park with as large a boundary as possible.

  • Simon Burgess, Labour parliamentary candidate, Brighton Kemptown

As the leg-aches slowly ease, I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone from The Argus team who made the South Downs cycling challenge possible.

I think everyone had a fantastic time over 105 very hilly miles in glorious sunshine and raised thousands of pounds for the good causes supported by The Argus Appeal. I'd encourage lots more people to get on their bikes now to get in training for next year.