Last year, about this time of year, while walking home to Queen's Park from work at the Seven Dials on several occasions I suddenly had a severe allergic reaction - tight throat, sneezing and puffed up eyes, which lasted on most occasions for a couple of days. I went to the doctor, who said it was almost certainly something in the air rather than anything I had eaten or used. He said there wasn't really any way to test to see what it was.

It didn't happen again after the end of June. However, last week exactly the same thing happened. It doesn't happen to me anywhere else so I was wondering if any readers have suffered the same thing?

I would really like to find out if it's just me or if it's something that's affecting other people too and if it is simply due to natural causes or if there is something going on in the area that could be causing it.

  • Lynda Ginart, Barnfield Gardens, Brighton