PETER James has said that he is set to release five more Roy Grace novels – and the next book is already written.

The prolific author, known for his long running series of Brighton-based crime thrillers, is planning to continue writing the novels following the release of his 18th story in the series, Picture You Dead.

The books, which have been released yearly since 2005, are set to be released until at least 2027, and he has told The Argus that the 19th story is already complete.

Peter said: “Originally I had a contract for two books and now I’m planning the next five. It’s amazing!

“My publishers have pushed the boat out. The books really help to put Brighton on the map.”

The success of the Roy Grace novels has been compounded in recent months due to the success of adaptations of the books. The detective is now well known to TV audiences through John Simm’s portrayal of character, and the stories have also seen success on stage.