A woman is celebrating after becoming the youngest qualified chartered accountant in the world - at just 20.

Number-lover Grace Bayton followed her dreams by working as an accountant after growing up in a small village.

The talented mathematician achieved 11 A* and 2 As at GCSE - but decided to start an apprenticeship while her friends applied to go to university.

The Argus: Wales News ServiceWales News Service (Image: Wales News Service)

She began working as a finance assistant at just 17-years-old while focussing on getting her qualifications to become an accountant.

And her hard work has paid off after Grace, of Llanhilleth, Gwent, South Wales, has now become the youngest qualified chartered accountant in the world.

She said: "It hasn't quite sunk in that at the age of 20 I'm the youngest accountant in the world.

"When I started out at 17 on a Welsh government apprenticeship as a finance assistant I never thought I'd be chartered by 20."

The Argus: Wales News ServiceWales News Service (Image: Wales News Service)

Grace, who works as an accountant for the Institute of Physics, now has her sights set on being a chief financial officer within five to ten years.

She added: "I'm hoping that I'll be able to show other young people that there are alternative career paths you can take without going to university and by completing an apprenticeship instead."

Grace was dealt the good news when she received an email from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.

It said: "I am delighted to announce that you are the youngest member both UK and Globally to be elected CIMA Associate member, many congratulations."