A new exhibition will delve into Sussex’s medieval history by bringing a number of Norman relics to life.

Horsham Museum and Art Gallery will host an exhibition of the Medieval Gallery which includes artifacts from the period after the Battle of Hastings.

The gallery will also host new relics including the Shipley Reliquary, a 13th century container for holy relics.

Roger Noel, Horsham District Councillor and cabinet member for leisure and culture, said: “The Shipley Reliquary will be one of the most historically important exhibits in our museum and will attract visitors to Horsham from all over the world.

“I am very excited about the long-awaited unveiling of this fabulous artefact and would encourage everyone to come to the Museum to view it themselves.”

The exhibition of relics from the Norman period is designed to showcase Horsham’s ascent into a borough and market town during the 13th and 14th centuries.

The exhibition, which is free, opens on Saturday, October 22, with the gallery open from Tuesday to Saturday.