A pile of dog poo bags has built up on Hollingbury Golf Course after people left them where a bin used to be.

Dog walkers who regularly use the public footpaths on the golf course shared their anger on social media after spotting the pile close to Hollingbury Hillfort, a scheduled ancient monument.

The pile of about 20 bags has built up in recent weeks, with regular walkers describing it as an example of “lazy dog walkers” relying on the “dog poo fairies”.

The bin was removed as Brighton and Hove City Council reviews the location of dog poo bins throughout the area and tries to encourage people to use standard litter bins instead.

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Joy Flowers, who regularly walks her dog in the area, said: “Why take the bins away without notification? And how about leaving one?

“The small bin is convenient if you access the area off Ditchling Road. But I’m always over the other side so the bin on the hillfort was, and had been for many years, great.”

The council said: “We are in the process of removing all off-road dog waste bins. We have no vehicles that can drive off-road and access to the bins is often impossible during periods of wet weather.

“Moving heavy bins long distances by hand is an unacceptable health and safety hazard for our staff.

“We are hoping we can work with the management of the golf course to agree alternative sites for bins.

“In the meantime, there are still some dog bins in the general area of the golf course. We would ask dog walkers to use these other bins for the time being.”