It's time to forget the Libertines. Like an old girlfriend who has moved onto bigger things, Carl Barat is doing much better for himself these days.

One reason is that Dirty Pretty Things has, like dozens of punk bands before them, been able to tap into a very rich vein of anti-establishment feeling.

Whereas the Libertines revelled in a love of old England, Barat has taken a darker outlook since.

This was evident on their first album Waterloo To Anywhere and is, if anything, even more so among the new tracks unveiled here.

Dirty Pretty Things were tight, and apart from one technical glitch, covered by drummer Gary Powell playing solo and Barat crowd diving, were on spectacular form.

It was rumoured that while recording in America the band suffered a number of arguments, but there were hugs all round between songs for this performance.

Powell romped through the set, driving Dirty Pretty Things' riveting indie-punk, cheered on by a crowd which chanted his name at every opportunity.

Bang Bang You're Dead, played at the end of the three-track encore, still makes you want to jump around like a madman and new single, Tired Of England, is in the same vein.

This performance makes the band's forthcoming album, Recording Romance At Short Notice, due for release on June 30, an exciting prospect.

Dirty Pretty Things appear to have allayed any fears over the quality of their "difficult" second album.