I am writing about the "consultation" between Brighton and Hove City Council and the residents of Stanford Road regarding wheelie bins versus communal bins.

Our household has not received the questionnaire, so when an "official" council-headed one came through our door we were temporarily confused until we rang the council to find out why they were sending out questionnaires so late, and with a biased and influential flyer attached.

There was no envelope so no return address and no "ownership" of the questionnaire.

However, it had the council logo on it so it is purporting to be official.

I object to this attempt to skew the results of the official version. Anyone who has not yet replied may either be influenced into responding in a pressured manner, or may think this is the latest version and not reply to the official one.

I am against the communal bins as it is the recycling that often makes the mess not the rubbish, and if the rubbish and recycling was collected on the regular days this would not occur so often.

Also if the collectors took more care and did not throw plastic bags back into boxes for them to blow away, or if they picked up what they dropped instead of leaving it on the road, there would be less litter.

When I have rung the council to explain what I see happening from my window in these instances its answer is to send a street cleaner along later - hardly sensible, logical or efficient.

The flyer mentions there not being room "off road" for the wheelie bins, but that was never the case and was not an issue when they were installed.

Whatever the outcome, two communal ones will not be enough for the whole street.

It would be more constructive for the council to introduce recycling bins in the streets so we don't have to store it in our homes for the two weeks it takes them to come round to collect.

  • Vikki Haffenden, Stanford Road, Brighton