Understanding dogs may be much easier than you might think as dogs use their body and actions to display feelings much like we as humans do.

Dogs are all very different, but they do show common signs or actions. Here are the most common ones. When dogs are yawning we often assume that they are just tired but yawning is also a sign of stress along with dogs excessivly licking their noses. Don't get to worried though as they also do this after a good meal!

Another sign is hackles, raised hair along the back of a dogs head, this is normally seen agressive and sometimes it is but it can also show exitement, neversness or when they are unsure of a situation. You can think of it like when we get goosebumps.

When dogs show fear they are often low to the ground and make themselves as small as possible to try and make themselves unoticed. But on the other hand when they are relaxed they drop their ears or soften their face and slowly wag their tails.

Playfulness is another easy one to recognise, with fast waggy tails, bums in the air just like downwards dog, mouths hanging open and a relaxed body posture. It can even be as simple as them just bringing you their favourite toy or chew.

Also have you ever noticed your dog with a tilted head. This is due to them trying to work out where a sound is coming from, or trying to make sense of the sound - giving context to it.

Hopefully these easy to recognise doggy signs of emotion will help you more to fully understand your precious pooch!