More than 50,000 patients waited at least two weeks for a GP appointment in Sussex this September.

The research, by the Liberal Democrats, revealed that 57,541 patients, waited more than two weeks for an appointment, making up 20 per cent of all GP appointments that month.

The Argus: James MacCleary said the figures were alarmingJames MacCleary said the figures were alarming (Image: Lewes Lib Dems)

James MacCleary, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Lewes, said the “alarming figures” show that patients in Lewes, Seaford, Newhaven and Polegate are being let down.

“Behind these statistics are so many people and families in the area anxiously waiting for an appointment for worrying symptoms.

“In the last month alone, I have heard heartbreaking stories of local people whose conditions worsened significantly as they sought treatment. Our local MP is a health minister, and is letting down her constituents as services get worse.”

The Lib Dems say they have set out plans for patients to have a right to see their GP within a week, or within 24 hours if in urgent need.

They say they would achieve this policy change by increasing the number of GPs, fixing pension rules to prevent so many doctors retiring early, and increasing the number of nurses and pharmacists fully qualified to prescribe day-to-day medicines.

The Argus: Stone Cross Surgery in PevenseyStone Cross Surgery in Pevensey (Image: Google Maps)

“Our local health service is being driven into the ground under this Conservative government,” said Mr MacCleary.

“Every day, the government’s promises become more and more hollow. The sad truth is they are disinterested in our NHS, and refuse to take action to pull it back from the brink.

“People in East Sussex will pay the price if this government continues to take us for granted and sit on their hands.”

The Argus: Maria Caulfield said The Lib Dem led local council's failure to deliver new medical hubs is shocking.Maria Caulfield said The Lib Dem led local council's failure to deliver new medical hubs is shocking. (Image: HP)

Maria Caulfield, Conservative MP for Lewes, said: “This week I met with GPs in Seaford who have opened up their lists again to new patients which residents are really pleased about.

“One of the key reasons they are limited in the number of patients they can see in any one day in Newhaven and Seaford is because the lack of space at each surgery.

“The Lib Dem led local council's failure to deliver new medical hubs is shocking and is resulting in patients not being able to be seen. Our GPs locally are working in poor, cramped and overcrowded conditions.

“Despite the government giving over £100 million to Lib Dem run Lewes District council for the North Street Quarter new medical hub in 2020 not a brick has been laid.”