A charity which promotes growing and eating healthy food has been awarded £5,000 to help young people connect with nature.

Tuppenny Barn, based in Southbourne in West Sussex, has been given the funding after applying to the Country Land and Business Association’s charitable trust.

The money will be used to help support the barn’s outdoor classroom and forest school area which is used to deliver workshops on the importance of sustainable horticulture.

Maggie Haynes, chief executive of Tuppenny Barn, said: “The grant from the CLA Charitable Trust means that we can welcome more children and young people to our smallholding.

"We will help them identify how they can best support their own health and wellbeing through positive choices and actions, and help nurture a love of the outdoors into their future. This is key in developing their sustained mental wellbeing.”

The funding will be used to help children connect with where their food comes from through growing food, outdoor crafting and mindfulness activities.

Bridget Biddell, chairman of CLACT, said: “Learning about growing, harvesting and cooking food, and sharing this experience with children and young people who are struggling with life, could not be more important. Thank you Tuppenny Barn.”