One of Brighton’s largest education providers has been praised in its latest inspection by the school watchdog.

Varndean School was commended for its “inspirational” staff, “passionate” leaders and excellently behaved pupils by Ofsted following a visit in October.

The school, in Balfour Road, was rated outstanding in the behaviour, personal development, leadership and management categories.

It was rated good in the quality of education category and overall.

Inspectors said the school, which has 1,498 pupils, is “on a mission” to achieve its goal of “world class” education and that pupils achieve well in “most” subjects.

“Inspirational leaders are rapidly transforming the school,” said the report.

“They constantly look for ways to make it better and improve the areas that could be even stronger.

“As a result, pupils achieve extremely well in most subjects.

“Pastoral care is exceptionally strong. In this very large school, pupils feel known and individually cared for.

“Parents are grateful for this and overwhelmingly supportive of the school. One summed this up by saying that the school helped his daughter to “find her passions and be the best she could be”.

“Pupils are impressive and incredibly proud of their school. They are fully involved in the multitude of clubs and extra-curricular activities. Behaviour is excellent. Pupil leaders gain useful skills by taking on extra responsibilities.

“They are very well prepared for their next steps in life.

“Diversity and difference are celebrated. Pupils and staff do not tolerate any bullying – it is anathema to them.”

To improve, Varndean was told to ensure that all curriculum planning is consistent across all subjects.

The report said: “Although the curriculum is very well organised, there are some isolated examples where subject planning has been less coherent in the past.

“In these cases, pupils do not build up their knowledge as well as they do elsewhere.

“Although leaders have taken actions to remedy this, that process is not yet completed. Leaders should continue their work to ensure that all subject curriculum planning is as consistently strong as the best.”