A statue could be built in memory of Britain’s first openly gay footballer Justin Fashanu.

The idea was started by Norwich City FC LGBTQ+ fan group Proud Canaries, who aim to raise £150,000 for a statue and memorial garden on the banks of the River Wensum in the city.

The tribute will show Fashanu celebrating with one arm pointed to the sky after his famous goal for the Canaries against Liverpool in 1980.

Justin Fashanu, who had a spell with Brighton and Hove Albion from 1985 to 1987, came out in 1990. He took his own life in 1998.

The fundraiser stated: “In a time of intense discrimination and violence towards the LBGTQ+ community around the world, it is crucial, now more than ever, to highlight resilience, strength, and courage. 

“By erecting a statue in honour of Justin Fashanu, we are shining a light on an individual who first broke the glass ceiling in football, a ceiling which has been sadly repaired.

“We are raising funds to pay for Justin's sculpture, garden, and related costs to ensure that this memorial is beautifully crafted to represent the beacon of hope and progress that Justin was in life.

The Argus: Justin Fashanu in Albion's blue and whiteJustin Fashanu in Albion's blue and white (Image: Argus Archive)

“If footballers reflected all 16 to 35-year-old men in Britain we would see at least 167 out gay or bisexual players in the four professional leagues of England and Wales. That’s two same-sex loving men in every side. We would have 36 in the premiership alone.”

Rob Sanderson, 34, who is part of the planning team, told Norwich Evening News: "We don't just want a statue, we want this to be a place of reflection for people.

"It's incredibly important, the fact it's taken 32 years for another player to come out tells you how brave he was.

"Even though he was being pressured by papers saying we're going to out you, he said 'no, I'm doing this myself'.

"The bravery he showed in the face of adversity was huge and still is at a time when England have been unable to guarantee gay supporters will be safe at this World Cup."

Just over £2,000 has been raised so far, including £1,000 from former footballer Gary Lineker.

For more information on the fundraiser, click here.