At a time when emergency services are struggling to cope, I wanted to share with you my daughter's experience.

Claire is a senior palliative care nurse and was driving home to Rottingdean from the A27 after a long shift when her car went into a large pothole on the Falmer Road. She suffered a puncture but was able to get to a field entrance to pull her car off the road. This was at 7pm.

She called the AA and it was later agreed that she would arrange a lift home and get a one hour slot for the AA to attend the next day. Her "one hour slot" was from 0800-1400!

READ MORE: Lewes woman's car tyre punctured by pothole in Elm Grove Brighton

As a result of poorly maintained roads (there are many more deep, sharp potholes on this stretch), she has had to take a day off work to get her car sorted with a consequent impact on the patients she was due to see. Also, while she was waiting last night, several ambulances came past at speed, which could also have suffered a puncture with a more immediate impact. Effective maintenance of this busy road would have prevented both the puncture and the associated risk.

Andy Leslie

Coolham Road

West Grinstead