Politicians have shared their frustration at the “deeply troubling” reports of deaths in the corridors of a hospital emergency department.

MPs have been reacting after The Argus revealed that multiple people had died in the A&E corridor at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton.

After we revealed as many as 40 people at a time had been receiving treatment in the corridor, politicians have called for change and an “emergency response” to the issue.

Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, said: “These reports coming out of the Royal Sussex are deeply troubling – it’s clear that 13 years of Tory Government underfunding, understaffing and undervaluing our NHS is costing lives.

The Argus: Peter Kyle MP in the Royal Sussex A&E departmentPeter Kyle MP in the Royal Sussex A&E department (Image: Peter Kyle MP)

“This crisis demands an emergency response – fair pay for nurses and ambulance workers, a major staff recruitment and retention drive, and an immediate injection of investment in the NHS and social care. Any further delay simply isn’t an option.”

Emergency doctors told The Argus about many incidents in the department including a 75-year-old woman waiting 15 hours to be seen for treatment and a man using a bottle as a urinal in the corridor.

Dr Alison Beadsworth, a consultant in the Royal Sussex A&E department, said: “We have reached the critical point where we know we are not providing safe enough and dignified care and that is unacceptable. To allow it to happen is shameful.”

Peter Kyle, Labour MP for Hove, said: “Across the country A&E wards are struggling to offer patients the care and dignity needed. From month-long waits for a GP appointment to the failures of discharging inpatients, the Tory government has broken our system of care and A&E is paying the price.

“Our A&E staff and trust managers are trying their best but I fear until we get a Labour government the staffing plan and reforms needed to get our NHS off its knees will not be available to them.”

The Argus: Caroline Lucas MPCaroline Lucas MP (Image: Caroline Lucas)

In a recent shift working with ambulance crews, Mr Kyle described A&E as a “war zone” but praised the “wonderful and professional” emergency staff.

Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle was also approached for comment.