A man has urged council bosses to make a “dangerous” road safe for cyclists after he was knocked off his bike by a car.

George White regularly cycles along Arundel Road in Peacehaven.

He said the car had been queueing at a chicane, a traffic calming measure where drivers have to give way to oncoming traffic, and pulled out. George said it knocked him off his bike and on to the verge.

The Argus: George White, from Peacehaven, was hit off his bike last weekGeorge White, from Peacehaven, was hit off his bike last week (Image: David Seabrook)

The bike got caught under the car and he got details from the driver and a passerby who helped him get it out, he said.

The incident happened last week. George, who lives in Peachehaven, said: “I am fine now, but I am worried about future incidents.

“At rush hour many cars avoid the coast road and drive down Arundel to avoid the traffic.”

Councillor David Seabrook, of Peacehaven Town Council, said: "Arundel Road is so dangerous for cyclists even though it is considered a National Cycle Route.

“What George described has happened to me several times and I have been forced up on to the verge but have never an actual collision.

"The traffic islands are supposed to slow traffic but it has had the opposite effect. Cars pull out and drive straight at you on the wrong side of the road and don’t see you. I avoid the road now.”

The Argus: The chichane pictured here was put in as a traffic-calming measure, but has made the road 'dangerous' for cyclistsThe chichane pictured here was put in as a traffic-calming measure, but has made the road 'dangerous' for cyclists (Image: George White)

George said the islands were put in as a safety measure but they are not helping cyclists “at all”.

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“I think the council should speak to professional cycling organisations because they have experts who will know how to make this road safe,” said George.

“Luckily I am OK and my bike is sturdy so it isn’t badly damaged, but the driver did offer to pay for any repairs.”

Cllr Seabrook said he would add the issue to the agenda for any upcoming meetings with East Sussex County Council’s highways department.

A spokeswoman for East Sussex County Council said: “Whilst Arundel Road already has a traffic calming scheme in place to reduce traffic speeds, our local cycling and walking infrastructure plan (LCWIP) identifies further potential improvements that would improve this section of National Cycle Route 2 for cyclists.

“Our LCWIP sets out existing and potential new cycling and walking routes across the whole of East Sussex but these cannot all be funded through our limited annual allocation of capital funding.

"We do however actively seek external funding opportunities to enable us to bring forward improvements to our cycling network where possible.

“The Peacehaven section of the A259 has been included in the A259 major road network south coast corridor study being undertaken by the council, which is assessing a range of potential schemes to improve the efficiency and effectiveness for all road users.

"Once the proposed package of schemes has been finalised later this year, we will submit a first stage business case to government seeking funding for further design and business case development for the improvements to the A259.”