A bill calling for a ban on trophy hunting imports has been proposed by a Sussex MP.

Crawley MP Henry Smith has called for Parliament to ban British hunters from bringing body part “trophies” of endangered and vulnerable animals into Great Britain.

The bill would protect animals listed by the internationally agreed Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

Speaking in Westminster Hall, Mr Smith said: “At the last general election, we stood on a manifesto commitment to ban imports of hunting trophies of endangered animals.

“The House of Commons passing this legislation today marks an important moment in ensuring that this pledge to support conservation becomes a reality.

“Our country does not want to be part of a trade in the body parts of endangered species. The Commons sent this message loud and clear.”


Mr Smith also paid tribute to Sir David Amess, former MP for Southend West, who was a “tireless campaigner for the banning of trophy hunting imports”.

“I hope that he would have been proud of this legislation being passed by the Commons,” Mr Smith said.

The bill will be scrutinised further by the House of Lords in the near future.