A resident is calling on the city council to help people who are homeless after tents appeared in the newly renovated Valley Gardens.

Phases one and two of the regeneration project were completed in 2020, with the third and final part of the £13 million project to begin soon.

Some 37,000 flowers have been planted in the area stretching from St Peter’s Church to Old Steine, Brighton, with 135 trees, and 2,900 square metres of additional green space.

Now tents have appeared in the newly renovated space, near to St Peter's Church.

The Argus: One of the tents on Valley GardensOne of the tents on Valley Gardens (Image: The Argus/Andrew Gardner)

One Old Steine resident said the council should do more to help the homeless.

“There has to be more help for these people. I have got every sympathy for them,” said the resident, who asked to remain anonymous.

“I really do feel sorry for them.”

Two tents were spotted during yesterday’s downpours. There are clothes hanging from nearby trees and rubbish scattered in front of the tents.

The resident said the city council must improve its housing schemes or risk undoing years of regeneration work in places such as Valley Gardens.

The Argus: A jumper hanging from a tree near one of the tents on Valley GardensA jumper hanging from a tree near one of the tents on Valley Gardens (Image: The Argus/Andrew Gardner)

“We have spent so much money sorting out the Old Steine – we’ve spent so much money on it,” he said. “I’m upset and angry.”

Tents have appeared in the area before with council officals issuing a "no camping notice".

Responding to the current situation, a council spokesman said: “We have been keeping a close eye on the tents in Valley Gardens since they arrived, and indeed removed one of them last Friday.  

“We engage with tent dwellers on a 'welfare first' basis. We encourage them to work with us to explore housing options that are appropriate to their needs. 

The Argus: Clothes scattered on the groundClothes scattered on the ground (Image: The Argus/Andrew Gardner)

“This normally results in the tent dwellers finding accommodation, but the process isn’t always immediate. 

“We visit all unauthorised encampments we are made aware of. 

“Where tent dwellers are obstructive or have been known to cause antisocial behaviour, we can work with the police to enforce the removal of the tent. 

“We cannot comment on individual cases.”

The Valley Gardens project was set to cost £7.8 million but now stands at nearly £13 million.