An air ambulance made a dramatic landing in a recreation ground this morning.

People looked on as a yellow chopper from Air Ambulance Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS) touched down in Homefield Park, Worthing.

The air ambulance crew were on hand to help ground units from South East Coast Ambulance Service (Secamb) who were dealing with a call to a private address.

The KSS helicopter then took off from the ground at around 11.55am.

A spokesman for KSS said: “A helicopter from Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey Sussex was dispatched to Worthing on May 4.

"Our crew arrived on scene at 10.46am where they worked with SECAmb to help treat the patient, involved in a medical incident.

"They then transported the patient to hospital by road with our crew accompanying them in the ambulance to continue delivering their care en route."