Former Brighton mayor and longstanding councillor Brian Fitch has died aged 82.

Brian, whose political career in Brighton and Hove spanned over 40 years, served as mayor of Brighton twice, including most recently in 2015.

He served as a councillor in wards including Hangleton and Hollingbury.

Former councillors have paid tribute to him.

Andy Winter, Argus columnist and a former Labour councillor who worked with Brian, said: “He was one of the most gifted orators that I have come across on the council. He used to speak off the cuff in a humorous and compelling way.

“He was someone who saw the funny side of so many situations. He could make councillors laugh and if you got people laughing you would get them supporting.

“He found huge happiness with his wife Norah and my thoughts and prayers are with her and the family at this really sad time.”


Brian came from a well-established political family in Brighton with his father Stan serving as a councillor for nearly 30 years. His brothers Reg and Rod were also both involved in local politics.

He was first elected to Brighton Borough Council in 1973 in Elm Grove and represented several wards including Hangleton and Knoll in 2003.

The Argus: Brian and Norah Fitch as Mayor and MayoressBrian and Norah Fitch as Mayor and Mayoress

He served as mayor on two occasions, once in the 1980s and again in 2014/15 at the end of his political career. In his second term, he raised over £47,000 for his charities including Martlets, Brighton Housing Trust and The Argus Appeal.

Dawn Barnett, a former councillor who worked with Brian in Hangleton and Knoll, said: “It’s quite a shock. I think Brian had a big impact on politics in Brighton and Hove for many, many years.

“As a fellow councillor we got on well together and just because we were different parties didn’t mean we had to be enemies. We used to have a laugh and enjoy each other’s company.”