Residents have begun a campaign objecting to plans to add an extra floor to their flats which they say will cause “years of disruption”.

Plans have been submitted to add an extra floor to the three storey Mayfield Court in Lustrells Vale, Saltdean.

But residents say the plans will make it “impossible” to live there with disruption during the work and the “dirt and dust” the construction work will cause.

Resident Adam Benoy works nights.

He said: "It will be impossible to live here if it goes ahead as there will be no way of sleeping when I’m on nights. I will have to move out. Aside from that, living on a building site along with the associated dirt and dust that it will give off will be awful.

“I feel especially sorry for the elderly retired residents. It would be interesting to ask the people making these decisions how they would feel is someone built another house on their roof – it is shocking really."


Matthew Bishop is a first time buyer who bought his flat just under a year ago. 

He said: “We had seen a property in another local block with work commencing akin to this.

"We did not want to live on a building site and this was a big driver in our choice to purchase in Mayfield Court. Our solicitor asked whether any major works were being planned for the foreseeable future. We were told there weren’t."

The residents are also objecting to the proposal because they believe it will cause disruption to the neighbourhood.

Residents say the planning application and accompanying traffic report contains no mention of Saltdean Primary School or that the school will be overlooked by the new flats infringing on the school and pupils' privacy.

Resident Priyanka Josesaid: "We moved here recently and I have a child who is five years old and going to Saltdean school. If they started work here it will make noise and dust which my son and husband are allergic to.

"Also it will affect my child's health. We can't move anywhere soon. It will push us into a financial crisis. We are working in a nursing home so we have night shifts. During day time we can't take enough rest if it is really noisy."

A spokesman for LRA-Retinue, the architect speaking on behalf of the landlord, said: “We understand and have sympathy for concerns over the effects of the proposed development however our client has sought to ensure that the work can be completed quickly, quietly and robustly.

“This type of project is one of the solutions to providing housing within Brighton and Hove and other areas that have the required amenities and facilities.

“Before, during and after construction the client has confirmed that a specific resident-liaison will be on-hand to address any issues as they might arise.”