A block of public toilets has been given a renovation and makeover by a grateful local community.

Residents in Saltdean fundraised £2,500 for a new mural to be painted at the public toilets at Saltdean Undercliff.

The inside of the toilets was also renovated by Brighton and Hove City Council, reopening to the public earlier this week.

A community noticeboard will soon be added to the block, directing visitors to nearby shops and the local park.

Brighton and Hove Independent Councillor for Rottingdean and West Saltdean Bridget Fishleigh said that the community plan to enter the renovated block into a toilet of the year competition.


Cllr Fishleigh said: “We all know how important it is to keep public toilets open and accessible for both residents and visitors.

“Residents in Saltdean value these toilets so much that they dipped into their own pockets to contribute to the revamp.

“Thank you to Brighton and Hove City Council for investing in Saltdean.”

Public toilets in Park Road in Rottingdean are also being refurbished, but reopening has been delayed for several months due to a range of issues.

Another set of toilets on the undercliff at Ovingdean were also recently repainted by Cllr Fishleigh and local residents.