I agree with Malcolm Martindale (Letters, June 25) about the appallingly poor pay that carers get.

This can also be said for others in the caring professions such as nurses and ambulance staff. It says something about our society that we pay millions to footballers and pop stars, but a pittance to those who do the most essential jobs.

  • Ron Sharratt, Seaview Road, Woodingdean

I note that Malcolm Martindale compares the plight of care assistants earning £5.52 an hour with that of a private psychiatrist charging £97 per half-hour session.

What about comparing them with the plight of the army of carers like myself, who care for elderly and ill relatives 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the princely sum of £50.50 a week that the Government sees fit to pay us as carer's allowance.

That works out at 30p an hour and we have to pay our bills like everyone else.

  • Sandra Ditch, North Lane, Portslade