With regard to the peacocks in Hurstpierpoint (The Argus, June 23), the residents in Manor Road are obviously concerned about these lovely birds and I sympathise with them if they feel children are threatened and cars being scratched, etc. But please spare a thought for these beautiful creatures. Even if you personally don't find them appealing, they deserve a decent and permanent home.

Two and a half years ago the first pair appeared.

It is a miracle they haven't been run over yet. Are there no animal lovers who have the money and appropriate setting and could give the peacocks a permanent home? At present it is a tragedy waiting to happen.

  • M Connell, Weald Close, Hurstpierpoint

As a long-term resident of Hurstpierpoint and one who is quite familiar with the peacocks, my opinion is they should be left alone. They are quite an attraction to the village and the males in full plumage are quite spectacular.

I regularly walk along Manor Road and delight when I see the peacocks. They are friendly but always endeavour to keep out of the way, being quite shy in nature. They are not aggressive and I have never seen them damage cars.

I live nearby in Western Road and can hear the peacocks on a daily basis. I have never heard them making a noise at night. If the peacocks were shifted into my garden, they would be most welcome.

Not all of the residents dislike them.

  • Jane Hill, Western Road, Hurstpierpoint