Argus Camera Club member Luisao Sanchez took these pictures of the Hippodrome in Brighton during its opening days as work continues.

The renovation of the historic auditorium, built in 1897, is well underway in Middle Street. The Grade II listed building, which once served as an ice rink before becoming a circus ring and a concert hall, closed in 2007 after falling into disrepair.

Acts including The Beatles and The Rolling Stones performed at Brighton Hippodrome in the 1960s.

It then became a bingo hall from 1967 until the 2000s when it closed.

But after a £5 million roof renovation as well as paintwork, there are hopes that it will reopen its doors to the public.

An open day which took place on Saturday (August 12) showed residents how the work has progressed. Click on the gallery at the top of the article to see what it looks like inside.