There's nothing quite as entertaining as reading and judging ridiculously negative TripAdvisor reviews.

Millions of people across the world use the comparison website to give their opinions on their favourite - and least favourite - places. Most of the time, it's very useful for tourists and new people in an area to figure out what the best places to eat, stay are walk are.

However, lots of people also use TripAdvisor to complain - and they haven't spared beautiful Sussex.

Despite its picturesque villages, its sandy beaches and breathtaking cliffs, the county doesn't seem to have convinced all of its visitors.

Who knew that West Wittering Beach was "hideous"? Or that the charming town of Rye is just "nice enough"?

Here's a round-up of some of the most ridiculous reviews about Sussex that we've found on TripAdvisor.

Beachy Head

The Argus: The Beachy Head lighthouse

TripAdvisor user Baggie wrote: "Maybe if you have nothing better to do.

"It’s not particularly bad but it is just boring. If you want to see awesome nature just drive through it and enjoy the left and right sides on the small country roads."

Bruce P added: "Nothing much to see, other than the sea.

"Nice view of the sea. Otherwise. Nothing, A gift shop. If that's your fancy!! That's about it really."

Rahil999 said: "Well if you're into cliffs and quiet greenery and the sea then you should enjoy this. Only went due to family from the States wanted to see it. They loved it. I found it boring full of old people."

Seven Sisters Country Park

The Argus: The Seven sisters

Crunchy_Fr0g wrote: "Nice view but that's about all. OK for a picnic but that's about all."

Stevebobsmith added (in a sarcastic way, we hope): "Boring. The stones weren't soft enough to sit on, the 'To Let' signs had been vandalized with 'I'.

"The sheep fields had too many sheep in them, and the meander was too wet. The path was too dry, the sky was too blue, the water smelt like salt, the cliffs were too chalky and big, and for some reason, the ice cream van sold drinks not just ice cream. The only good thing, was that didn't rain, it was too hot instead."

Cuckmere Haven

​Andy wrote: "Not that great. First of all Cuckmere Haven is ok, it’s not great like some of the rave reviews on here.

"The walk is nice and easy going and at only roughly 2km isn’t long, however once at the end it is just another beach, nothing special at all, would rather have gone to Eastbourne or Birling Gap."

West Wittering Beach

The Argus: sand dunes west wittering beach sussex england

XRXM commented: "Hideous in the extreme.

"A seething mass of vehicles and humankind beggaring belief that anyone in their right mind would want to go. OK so it was a Sunday in August but at any time I would rather pull my own teeth."

Chrischappo added: "Spoiled by flies. Nice big beach, spoiled by swarms of little black flies that gather on your belongings and legs. We won’t be back."

Worthing beach

The Argus: Worthing beach. Photo: Adur Borough Council and Worthing Borough Council

Gogo Y wrote: "Just stones and seaweed sent over from France! A vast flat expanse of nothing. Utterly boring.

"It is simply so boring, in summer you sit and roast on hot dusty stones and in winter you freeze. The tide goes out quite a long way and there is simply nothing there. If you walk towards Worthing you eventually reach the Pavilion Theatre and if you walk westwards you eventually come to Sea Lane Cafe which will probably be packed but in between there is just a vast expanse of nothing, stones, pebbles and seaweed. No quaint coves that Devon and Cornwall enjoy!"

Camber Sands

The Argus: The glorious golden sands of Camber Sands make it a marvellous place for a day out
Isling2nTraveller said: "Terrifying seagulls. The beach at the west end is beautiful and backed by rolling sand dunes.

"However, this has the worst, most aggressive seagulls I have ever seen. A picnic or even a few sandwiches would be impossible."

Jurgita S added: "Really bad. Worst experience ever! Dirty place, people drinking using drugs nitrous oxide in front of the children, no one cares!

"It’s heaven for alcohol use and drugs!! Really sad it could be a nice place for families. Also it's really challenging to reach the beach because of a very steep hill. People with families must avoid this place!!"

Mermaid Street, Rye

The Argus: Mermaid Street (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Nelgumford wrote: "Steep and uncomfortable to walk up. Mermaid Street is most of note for its picturesque inconvenience and eccentric house names. It is steep and uncomfortable to walk up."

Bluebellplasnewydd commented: "Medieval but overrated. Yes, this is a pleasant 5-minute walk on an uphill cobbled street but really is not a destination in itself.

"The cobbles are difficult to walk upon but there is a narrow pavement on one side. Looking in the front windows of the old houses is nosey and interesting. The Mermaid Inn is also worth a visit inside. Probably best as part of a visit to Rye and its surroundings."

Meanwhile a user called tripsandfood55 concluded that the street is "nice enough", which made us smile.

Seaford Beach

The Argus: Image from PictureGalleryModule_ID:3179628

w0tcha wrote in 2022: "A bit of a dump. A very run-down place. Beach was being reconstructed, with heavy plant moving shingle from one place to another.

"Even when the works are finished I don't think it will be remotely attractive. Parking is free, but can't think anyone would actually pay to park here. The town itself is also pretty drab.

"If you have ever seen the sitcom Kate and Koji set in fictional “Seagate”, you'll get the idea what Seaford is like, maybe the TV writers were actually inspired by Seaford?

"Many more attractive destinations nearby on this stretch of coast, so would definitely give Seaford a wide steer."

Roy T added: "Not the best. Nothing much to see better go to Eastbourne or Brighton. Can't go on a lot of the beach with dogs and the locals are not too friendly!"