A petition has been set up on the Downing Street website http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/FalmerAcademy.

If you agree with the following statement, then please please sign it.

"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to stop the closure of Falmer High School, in Brighton, and hold a ballot to decide if an academy is what the community wants.

"Please stop the closure of the already improving Falmer High School only to replace it with an academy that will specialise in entrepreneurship and sport.

"Keep Falmer High School as a state comprehensive run by education professionals and not a wealthy businessman with no educational background.

"Allow the school to continue to improve and enable the staff to continue to do their jobs to a high standard under the leadership of the headteacher. A ballot across the Brighton and Hove community would provide evidence that an academy is not actually wanted."

  • Sheila Walker, Jevington Drive, Brighton