As a member of the University of Brighton teaching staff and a parent governor of a Brighton secondary school, I fully support the arguments put by our union representatives Jim Guild, Linda Newman and Tom Hickey against the proposed Falmer Academy School (The Argus, June 27).

However, there are some further points to note. With charity tax breaks the amount put up by the sponsor will be a lot less than £2 million and he will have a large say in how the school is run.

On the school's website is the Falmer Academy Newsletter, issue one, summer 2008, making the assumption that the project is going to happen come what may.

It states that the £25 million plus earmarked by the Government for building the academy will not be forthcoming if the academy is turned down.

This raises the question about how government money for schools is allocated. With a finite national schools budget any money spent on building academies is money denied to all other schools outside of the academies programme. Therefore the academies programme should be a concern to all and not just those affected in the Falmer High catchment area.

  • Graham Sharp, Channel View Road, Woodingdean