Having read the complaints about the state of the various gardens around Brighton after the festival in May (Letters, June 24) I wonder why people don't complain about the state of the roads?

All around Brighton, Hove and beyond there have been months of roadworks blighting the area. I would have thought the sight of so many diggers, orange bollards and the like would be more concerning to the eye.

I am sure the damage to the parks and gardens was factored in by the council when it charges the various venues for usage and are reparable.

The state of the roads I would suggest is irreparable. More and more concrete is used, widening pavements so that even more insurance claims can take place because the council will not want to make repairs to them. I get fed up with seeing white or yellow paint splodges alerting the highways people to damaged paving slabs or potholes in the road only for no repairs to take place.

Brighton and Hove City Council seems to have a bottomless pit of funds for roadworks. Why doesn't it stop these so-called traffic calming exercises and transfer the budget to worthier causes such as health care, libraries, etc, or indeed reduce council tax?

  • David Butler, Robin Dene, Brighton