Queries about the controversial Falmer Academy school can be put to an expert on Friday when its main backer Rod Aldridge takes the Hollingbury hotseat.

The self-made millionaire and entrepreneur is sponsoring the academy bid for Falmer High School and is eager to allay fears about the transformation.

He will be answering questions from the public as part of the Friday Inquisition.

Mr Aldridge became the richest man in Brighton and Hove after setting up outsourcing firm Capita.

In July 2006, Mr Aldridge retired as chairman of Capita and established the Aldridge Foundation to focus on his charitable aims, such as tackling educational underachievement.

If you have any questions about foundation schools or just want tips on how you can make your first million, visit theargus.co.uk.

Questions should be posted between 12.30pm and 1.30pm on Friday.

A selection will be published in The Argus on Saturday.