The Argus is right to highlight the recommendations of Brighton and Hove City Council's planning officers with regard to the unauthorised development at 5/6 Western Road, Hove (The Argus, July 4).

As a resident I am delighted that the council is acting to ensure a proper restoration of the historic building, including the removal of the ramp which blocks a public right of way into Farman Street. The council has gone one step further and also ensured that any bar or club operating there will not disturb residents or cause more late-night problems.

This is very welcome.

All this should be applauded, and we are grateful for the persistence of our ward councillors and the East Brunswick Residents' Association in never giving up on this fight. For once, we feel as if the planning authorities are on the residents' side. Thank you, and let us hope this sets down a marker to any other developer considering the same.

  • M Batton-Jones, Norfolk Square, Brighton