A Conservative MP has defended the government’s decision to postpone indefinitely a ban on no-fault evictions.

A proposed ban on section 21 evictions, which give landlords the power to evict tenants without giving a reason, had been promised by the Conservatives in their manifesto at the last general election.

However, the measure will not be enacted before a series of improvements are made in the legal system, housing secretary Michael Gove told Tory MPs.

Among the changes being promised include digitising more of the courts' process, as well as improving bailiff retention and recruitment and providing early legal advice to tenants.

The move has been criticised by many, including Brighton and Hove’s MPs, who have warned more tenants will face eviction through no fault of their own due to the government’s delay.

However, Sally-Ann Hart, Tory MP for Hastings and Rye, has defended the decision and said: “We need to ensure that tenants continue to be supported with longer notice periods, while also balancing the need for landlords to access justice.”

She said that, despite “significant support” for the ban, “I have also had tenants contact me concerned about the ban - of being turfed out of their homes before the ban came into effect and the impact on the availability of flats for rent.”

“We have seen some landlords selling off rental properties locally in advance of the ban,” she claimed.

The Argus: More than one in four homes in Hastings are privately rented, according to Census dataMore than one in four homes in Hastings are privately rented, according to Census data (Image: Submitted)

More than one in four households in Hastings (26.3 per cent) are privately rented either by a landlord or letting agency, according to latest Census data.

Brighton and Hove’s MPs have slammed the delay, with Hove MP and shadow science secretary Peter Kyle claiming the failure to press ahead with the reform has “left tens of thousands kicked out of their homes”.

Green MP for Brighton Pavilion Caroline Lucas described the delay as “deeply concerning”, with Brighton Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle claiming “vested interests control the Conservative Party - and they’ve made a grubby deal to try and delay this reform.”

Labour has claimed that as many as 159 households could face eviction before the next general election due to the delay in implementing the ban.