A young man is facing attempted murder charges after a woman was stabbed.

Thomas Waeling, 18, is accused of stabbing a 50-year-old woman on May 15 this year just before 8pm.

The incident happened in Bohemia Road, Hastings.

Waeling, of Kenilworth Road, St Leonards, appeared in Lewes Crown Court yesterday ahead of his trial today.

In the dock, he stood up to confirm his name. Waeling was wearing a white Puma jumper.

A 12-person jury was sworn in.

The Argus: A police cordon at the scene in Bohemia RoadA police cordon at the scene in Bohemia Road (Image: Sussex News and Pictures)

Judge Christine Laing QC explained the laws to the jury including that they were not able to tell family or friends about the case and they could not search anything about defendants or witnesses.

The trial will start today at the same court.

Philip Stott, prosecuting, will read out his opening note about the case.

In May, Bohemia Road was cordoned off and forensic teams were at a wooded area close to Summerfields Leisure Centre.