People in Brighton are less happy with their lives than they were a year ago as the cost-of-living crisis causes misery across the city.

Mental Health UK said people's declining satisfaction was because of financial woes and a hangover from the coronavirus pandemic.

People in Brighton and Hove were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with life on a scale where one is "not at all" and ten is "completely".

Results gave an average happiness rating of 7.4 out of ten, down from 7.6 the year before.

It is a similar picture across the UK, with satisfaction levels sitting at 7.5 following a post-pandemic bump in 2021.

Brian Dow, chief executive of Mental Health UK, said: "When you consider the pressures on people's mental health over recent years, it's no wonder that the nation's mental health is in decline.

"This data tracks what we've seen as a charity, with wellbeing taking a hard knock from the pandemic and a cost-of-living crisis forcing many people to choose between whether they should heat their home or put food in the fridge.

"While there are small steps we can all take to try to improve our wellbeing and support others, this data indicates just how impactful external events can be and should serve as yet another warning call to the government that it must better prioritise mental health."

The figures also show an increase in anxiety levels last year, with the average person in the UK rating their anxiety the day before at 3.2 out of ten.

In Brighton and Hove, anxiety levels dropped from 3.7 in March 2022 to 3.3 this year.

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Olly Parker, head of external affairs at Young Minds, said: "It’s deeply worrying, but sadly unsurprising, that life satisfaction has fallen at the same time anxiety levels are increasing.

"No young person should be left without the mental health help they need.

"The government must prioritise young people’s mental health and provide early support hubs in every community, more help for pupils in schools and shorter waiting times."