Schoolchildren wore odd socks for their anti-bullying week.

Pupils at Windlesham School in Dyke Road, Brighton, wore the mismatched attire to remind each other that it is good to stand out.

The tradition has been going since 2017 and encourages children to celebrate their differences.

Cassandra Dorricott Juniper, the school’s personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) lead, said: “Odd Socks Day reminds people that it’s good to stand out.

“By expressing oneself without fear of judgement, we reaffirm the idea that being who you are is more than enough. If we can appreciate someone else’s odd socks, we can also appreciate and celebrate everyone's differences.”

The Argus: Pupils at the school's kindness treePupils at the school's kindness tree (Image: Windlesham School)

The school’s anti-bullying week began on Monday, November 13 and children took part in a host of activities. These included decorating leaves for the school's kindness tree in the hall and creating a music video.