Scouting is a movement created in 1907 from a camp organisation that resided on Brownsea Island. Its founder, Lord Robert Baden Powell, left with a group of 20 young boys, all coming from different backgrounds and took them camping. 

This English camp turned out to be something bigger than expected when it started spreading throughout the world. Today, over 50 million children, teenagers and young adults are part of scout groups that take place in many cities, one being, of course, Brighton

The birth of scouting in the southern English city happened the same year as the movement’s original start. The first Brighton troop was registered as SI Btn, and was founded by Captain Davison Brown. 12 groups have been formed since, and welcome children from their 6th birthday onwards.

But what exactly is scouting ? Scouting is about gathering young people a few times every month, to bind them together through outdoor activities, such as hiking and camping, but also games and group-specific traditions. The biggest part of scouting is to meet new people, mostly other scouts, who share the same interests. The movement is great for young people to learn what life in a community is, and what a secondary family looks like. 

Scouting is a way for young boys and girls to discover the world around them in more depth everyday, as well as becoming the best version of themselves. Additionally, it teaches them the value of helping other individuals they share this world with and puts them in situations that may be out of their comfort zone. But most importantly, scouting stays about smiling, laughing, and loving.