Almost 300 people are urging the council to introduce parking permits in their neighbourhood to stop dangerous parking and cars from blocking roads.

The southern part of Hollingdean is "one of the only free parking areas left in Brighton". This has led to pressure on spaces and illegal parking from drivers in search of free spots.

The petition, signed by 280 people, is due to be presented to Brighton and Hove City Council’s Transport and Sustainability Committee next Tuesday.

The same committee agreed to halt progress on a proposed parking scheme at its meeting last month because 60 per cent of the 758 people who responded to a consultation were against a controlled parking zone.

The petitioners said that people living in Hollingbury Crescent, Hollingbury Place and The Crossway – and roads to the south – had consistently favoured a parking scheme.

The petition reads: “A residents’ parking scheme is desperately needed to ensure residents’ safety when crossing busy roads, enable residents to have the freedom to park more easily in their area and improve air pollution levels by reducing through traffic and engine idling from increased traffic utilising one of the only free parking areas left in Brighton.

“We propose a resident parking scheme in South Hollingdean be implemented, with residents already having voted in the majority for such a scheme.

“We suggest the reconsideration of a light-touch scheme, reduced parking bays for paid visitor parking by 50 per cent, as well as diagonal parking bays in closes off Davey Drive to maximise spaces for residents who do not have a driveway.”

A list of issues facing residents in the area was set out on the petition. They include:

Illegal parking on double yellow lines, both unattended and attended vehicles, particularly around Hollingdean Terrace, Hollingbury Place and Roedale Road

Dangerous parking on grass verges in Horton Road and Davey Drive which has led to blocked bus routes

Nose-to-nose parking which has contributed to vehicle damage as well as blocking access to resident driveways

Frequent traffic with both short and long-term parking of large diesel vehicles, including commercial vans and trucks, as well as residential camper vans and motorhomes

Inability to park in the late afternoon or from early evening across the whole of southern Hollingdean, leading to increased anxiety and reduced freedoms for residents, as well as increased traffic from vehicles circling for spaces

Increased fumes from excessive vehicle movements from commuters, visitors and residents living outside the area, with frequent idling of engines for excessive periods when parking and leaving the area

The petition is open on the council website until the meeting starts.

The Transport and Sustainability Committee is due to meet at Hove Town Hall at 4pm on Tuesday. The meeting is scheduled to be webcast on the council’s website.