A boy with a muscle disorder which stops him from being able to move independently has shown “amazing” progress thanks to a hydrotherapy pool.

Seth Hart, 6, suffers from congenital myopathy which is a muscle disorder, significant hypotonia which is low muscle tone and has a permanent tracheostomy for ventilation as he is unable to breathe independently.

To help with his complex health needs, Seth uses a hydrotherapy pool at Chailey Heritage School in North Chailey.

His teacher Julie Tilbury said he has “surpassed” the expectations they had for him.

She said: "Seth has a lovely sense of humour and is quite cheeky. We have tried to push the barriers so he can do all the activities that his friends do.

The Argus: Seth in the hydrotherapy pool with various specialistsSeth in the hydrotherapy pool with various specialists (Image: Supplied)

“We worked together as a team- the physiotherapists, the nurses, the aquatics team, his support team so we could find a way for Seth to swim safely.

"He has been absolutely amazing. He is accompanied into the pool with a nurse, a member of the aquatics team, as well as the team who supports him every day.

“His ventilator is placed on a trolley on the side of the pool which is moved along with him as he goes up and down the pool.

"Expectations were not huge when Seth started using the pool - but he has surpassed them all.


"Seth can now move his legs and arms in the water which is not something that he can do independently on land. His progress has been amazing."

The school, which specialises in helping children and young adults with complex disabilities, spend £250,000 a year on the pool and is asking people for donations over the Christmas period.

Teachers said the increase in Seth’s muscle strength thanks to hydrotherapy is now allowing him to bring his head forward to communicate, which previously he was unable to. He nods and shakes his head to express a “yes” or a “no” and this is so important to Seth.

There are more than 7,000 individual sessions in the pool each year. It is also available evenings and weekends for community use.

The charity is asking people to donate between now and Tuesday, with all donations during that time doubled by the charity’s pledgers.

For more information, click here.