People are being urged to write a message of support to people facing human rights abuses around the world.

The Write for Rights event, run by Amnesty International Brighton and Hove, will see people write messages to be sent out to 11 different people facing different difficulties.

On Saturday, December 9, the doors of the Friends Meeting House in Ship Street, Brighton will be open between 10am and 4pm for people to stop by with friends and family, or alone, to write the letters. At the event the stories of the 11 people will be explained, ranging from those affected by censorship to climate change.

All materials to write the letters will be provided, and the Mayor of Brighton and Hove Councillor Jackie O’Quinn and Hove MP Peter Kyle will be at the event.

A spokeswoman for Amnesty International said: “Our Write for Rights campaign transforms the lives of people whose rights have been wronged. 

"Write for Rights supporters are united by their desire to make a difference. In recent years, we’ve seen real change to people’s lives because of your action. From Zimbabwe to Guatemala, activists have been released and justice delivered."