A woman is facing a trio of arson charges after a string of fires destroyed homes and a Range Rover.

Elle-Mai Dunford, 20, has been charged with arson after a Range Rover caught fire in Woodingdean and two counts of arson with intent to endanger life following two house fires 24 hours later.

Firefighters were alerted to the Range Rover fire in Downsway, Woodingdean, at around 9.10pm on September 24.

At 10pm on September 25, Heloise Crafer and her dog jumped from the window after their first-floor flat in Down Terrace, Brighton, burst into flames.

Less than half an hour later, another person's home in Norwich Crescent caught fire.

A fundraiser set up by Hannah Crafer has so far raised more than £1,600 to help Heloise replace her belongings.

READ MORE: Brighton: Sussex Police charge man found with shotgun and knife in car

“I’m fundraising to help my cousin get sorted after a devastating house fire, suspected arson, completely burnt down her first floor flat in seconds leaving her to have to jump out the window with her dog Busta.

“She has lost everything she owned and needs help to re-purchase the basics like clothes, shoes, laptop etc. Any donations greatly appreciated.”

Dunford denies the charges. She has been remanded in custody and will appear at Lewes Crown Court in March.