A mother has called plans to reduce pupil numbers at a primary school a “terrible mistake” with other schools in the city also facing closure.

Goldstone Primary School in Hove is one of the schools facing reduced numbers in coming years amid worries that pupil figures are falling citywide.

The school is being asked to go from 90 to 60 places, effective reducing the number of classes in each year from three to two in future.

However, one parent has expressed concern that the school in  Laburnum Avenue is being caught up in plans for other sites with Goldstone conversely seeing growing popularity and financial stability.

Genevieve Roberts, a journalist and author whose children go to Goldstone, said: “The sense of community at this full primary school, with the kindest teachers I’ve ever met, means it’s an utter privilege to send my six-year-old and four-year-old children there. I hope my youngest, age one, will be able to join them in a few years too.

The Argus: Goldstone PrimaryGoldstone Primary (Image: Google Maps)

“Goldstone is more than a good, extremely popular school - though that is very important - it teaches children to look out for others and understand kindness. To reduce its pupil numbers would be a terrible mistake for local parents and children, for the community and for Hove’s future.

“Hopefully, there will be enough objections to overturn the proposals. Instead, the council could look at the resources in one-form schools across the city.

“While a small school might sound ideal for small children, persistent underfunding by the government means many of those one-form entry schools now sadly aren’t able to offer the same resources to children, from extra-curricular activities to extra support for those with special educational needs.”

Goldstone Primary School in Hove is one of a number of schools which Brighton and Hove City is proposing to shrink student numbers at from 2025.

Under the plans pupil intakes at schools across the city would shrink by roughly a third.


If the plans are approved, St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School and St Peter’s Community Primary School would also be closed permanently.

Genevieve highlighted that 223 parents had listed Goldstone among their school choices in the last round of admissions with 86 marking it as their first choice.

Deputy Council Leader Jacob Taylor previously said in a schools committee meeting that “We’re trying to do what’s best for the entire city with the proposals we take forward”.

Consultation on the plans is currently underway with the results set to be discussed in the new year.

Cllr Taylor added: “With this in mind we are consulting on the possible closure of two of our smaller primary schools from September 2024, and a reduction in pupil numbers at nine other primary age schools.

“I believe all our schools teach children to look out for others and understand kindness.

“All our schools do a great job for their pupils and wider communities, and I’m very sad that we’re having to make these proposals."