A tennis club has been granted planning permission to build a sports pavilion next to courts in a park.

The planning application by Hove Park Tennis Alliance was voted through at Brighton and Hove City Council’s planning committee. It was the tennis alliance’s second attempt to obtain permission to build the wooden structure.

The tennis club, which has 400 adult members and 100 juniors, intends to share the pavilion with the Russell Martin Foundation which runs the football pitches.

Fifty objections to the scheme were lodged with the council along with a petition with 206 signatures objecting to the location. The council received 83 comments in support.

One objector, Michelle Wyecroft, told the council’s planning committee that she and others did not oppose the pavilion in principle, just its proposed location.

She said: “In this area parents or carers can relax at the café while small children play safely within sight. Dogs are kept on leads and the area is semi-enclosed.

“It’s hugely popular with families, young mothers and groups. According to the report (to the planning committee), there is similar space elsewhere in the park. This is not true. This is unique.”

Hove Park Tennis Alliance director Neil Dickson, 60, said that the club was open from 7am to 10pm, increasing participation time for all.

He said: “We desperately need a pavilion to provide toilets, changing facilities, shelter and storage and safeguarding space for kids’ clubs, especially when the public toilets and the café are closed.

“This building could also be used by local community groups, by parkrun and the basketball court players, which also is soon to be refurbished and floodlit, increasing Hove Park’s reputation as a sporting location.

“Huge housing development near the park will increase demand both day and night.”

Labour councillor Joy Robinson said that, having visited the site, she could understand the objections as people would lose the view to the east of the park.

Councillor Robinson said: “I can totally understand how now it’s very pleasant with young children at the café running around.

“The building looks absolutely fantastic and is just what the community needs. It’s just in the wrong place.”

Brighton and Hove Independent councillor Mark Earthey also said that the pavilion was planned for the “wrong place”.

Conservative councillor Carol Theobald spoke in favour. She did not object to the previous application which was refused in January.

Councillor Theobald said: “This is very useful, especially for the tennis courts, football and the kids’ club.

“I’ve been told the children tend to go across Old Shoreham Road to Burger King to use the toilets when the other ones are not open. This will stop that hopefully.”

Labour councillor Paul Nann said that he was a regular visitor to the park with his family and did not think that the building would affect people using the café.

Councillor Nann said: “Nobody is watching the tennis. What they’re doing is watching their kids run around.

“I’m not sure whether people would feel enclosed. I don’t think you’re there for a feeling of wide-open space there.”

Green councillor Sue Shanks said that she regularly walked her dogs in Hove Park and said that the planned pavilion was in the right place, close to sports facilities.

The committee voted to approve the plans by five votes to three.