There is an annual Lord Mayor show every second Saturday of November, and the Christ’s Hospital’s marching band has been a part of the parade since the dawn of time! The band full of school children march, while playing their instruments for approximately 5km, with bystanders helping cheer them on by praising from the sides.
This year, Lord Mayor's show fell on Saturday the 11th of November and the Christ’s Hospitals students were up bright and early to prepare for the long journey up to London. Once they arrived, they were left in awe, the array of marching bands that stood before them was astounding - there were Scottish marching bands as navy and cadets marched through the streets, all while horses paraded in between the bands, and cars showed off their antique models. For many of Christ's Hospital’s students that was either the first or last time they were going to participate in the show, so they made sure to play their heart out – their lungs burning by lunchtime. As we reached the break, the students were allowed to venture off and explore the city! Though, they gathered a lot of questions about Christ’s Hospital Housey – it made them stick out like a sore thumb from the other Londoners. Nevertheless, the looks did not stop the students from having a great time as they went to cafés and supermarkets around the local area to see what they could scope out and buy, so that they were refreshed and energized for the long march back, which they pushed through, playing loudly, beautifully and marching quite rigidly until they reached the bus, where they could finally relax.
Lord Mayor’s Show 2023 has been described as an ‘excellent show’, that was very ‘fulfilling to be a part of’, additionally, many of the students who partook in the event seemed to have enjoyed themselves and had a wonderful time – multiple people have reported appreciating the sleep they had on the coach ride back to the school: ‘It was the best sleep I've ever had’-anonymous. Though, we all know Christ’s Hospital’s marching band ought to be proud of such an outstanding performance.