Written by acclaimed author Taylor Jenkins Reid, Daisy Jones and the Six is an extraordinary novel following the rise to fame of an iconic 70s rock band, the captivating lead singers and reveals the real reason they suddenly disbanded. It exposes raw emotion, painful addiction, and even reveals the tumultuous and complicated relationship between Daisy Jones and Billy Dunne- our two main characters.

One thing I love about this book is the incredibly unique way Reid writes, as if she is interviewing each member of the band today, looking back on their glamourous, scandalous lives before and with the band. The interview style of writing combined with such a well-rounded plotline makes everything feel like a such a true story, but it only takes one google search to find out that the bestselling band Daisy Jones and the Six are indeed, fictional.

The book captures the lives of these musicians so beautifully, exploring Daisy’s difficult past, the establishment of ‘The Six’ before Daisy, and then the explosion of wild passion, anger, and a pure love for music that is the complete band. We meet Billy and Graham Dunne, who started out as the Dunne brothers, playing small birthday parties or family celebrations; along with Eddie Loving, a passionate and opinionated guitarist; Peter Loving, Eddie’s brother and bassist; and Warren Rhodes, the bands signature drummer. Later, we meet Karen Sirko, our fiercely independent and dedicated pianist, and Camille Martinez, the courageous and extremely loyal lover of Billy Dunne. These characters all set out on a mission to fulfil a dream, to play music for thousands on a stage larger than imaginable and arrive in California to meet producer Teddy Price. Along the way, they meet the iconic Daisy Jones, and the next thing they know, they are creating one of the most iconic rock albums of the age.

Taylor Jenkins Reid even went as far to write the songs for the book, including them at the back of the text, and adding another layer to the details in the book. Her attention to detail went so far during the writing of this book, even including an Author’s Note at the beginning of the book from the perspective of the fictional researcher that pieced this tale together. These all add a sense of realism to the book, making the fact that it is fictional even more unbelievable!

This book is highly acclaimed in the writing world, achieving success globally that it has even become a series on Amazon prime, starring Sam Claflin and Riley Keough as Billy and Daisy. This series has also achieved great success, being nominated for 3 Golden Globes at this year’s awards. To add to this, the show even wrote and produced a real-life version of the album that broke all records in Daisy Jones’s world, which is available to listen to on streaming platforms for everyone!

All these things together create such a strong and compelling world, one full of scandal, passion, and love. This book will get you hooked, leaving you hanging on every twist and turn, and be one you certainly will not forget.