As we enter a new year, the Weald School’s Year 7 and 8 History Club continues its exciting and interesting roster of activities during their lunchtime club. Run by 2 sixth-formers, it attracts a number of students who gather with a shared interest in history.


In previous weeks the club has written their own newspapers, based on a historical event of their choosing; created - and played - historical ‘Top Trumps’, featuring historical figures from various periods and discovered what significant events happened on each of their birthdays.


For one student, Aiden, his favourite moment was making “the Top Trumps” as it encouraged him to research more about U.S. Presidents, whom he chose to create his set of cards on. Another student, who wished to be referred to only as I, stated that they “liked the newspaper articles” as, similar to Aiden, it allowed them to delve deeper into an event from history that they found fascinating.


Luna P first came as she “love[s] talking about [history]” and as such it was a great opportunity to connect with other students who have a common interest and enjoy a great lunchtime. 


This is the first year that such a club has run and Mrs Beard, Head of History, stated that the idea stemmed from experiences in “previous schools”. Mrs Beard believes the experience can be “really positive if there is good commitments and organisation” as “students can gain: more historical knowledge, confidence and self esteem, improve in history lessons, ideas for future careers, friendships.”.


Looking forward, the club is currently writing their own ‘Horrible Histories’ styled song on a historical event of their choosing. As exams draw nearer for year 7s, there may also be opportunities for the sixth-form students to support those who attend with revision-related activities as well.