During the first week of the Easter/Lent term, my school have had their mocks. After results day, I have gathered some tips from people who got 9s. This is how YOU get a 9 in biology.

My biggest issue with biology exam question paper is not the content but the actual exam questions. Reading the whole question is very important because it can change the meaning of the question. Some questions can also be hard to find when they are in between lots of others. Look at the marks to on the right side of the page to make sure you are finding the questions. Usually the small questions are the hardest to spot but the easiest to score highly on.

There are some great ways to study but you have to find the right method for you. ‘I move around and stand up so I do not get distracted,’ says J Young. This is a good way to make sure your revision is actually worthwhile. If you are revising for long periods of time, it can be difficult to stay focused. Another way to stay committed to your work for a long period of time is to employ the pomodoro method. Personally, I work for 45 minutes at a time with a 5-15 minute break in between. After 3 turns of this, I take a longer break. This way I can sustain focus throughout the day. Another good method for biology is using flashcards. A Qiu commented that ‘using flashcards means I can remember key terminology easily.’ Make sure you do not cram to much on a flash card. There are a lot of key terms in biology. Without using them, you risk loosing marks as the mark scheme is often very specific. Flash cards are a great way to learn the key terms and to practice with friends. There are many online recourses to help make the most effective flash cards.

Finally, make sure you are taking enough breaks. You have to be level-headed in exams to do well and not panic on questions. I wish you thee best of luck in your mocks or in your GCSEs in the summer.