The council's environment boss has apologised after an oil spill near a children's playground.

Officers have had to use jet washers and special absorbents in Hove Park after oil started trailing down the path between the playground and climbing boulder.

A van being used by a Brighton and Hove City Council contractor started to leak oil on Friday after it developed a fault.

Lead councillor for the environment Tim Rowkins said: “We’re very sorry for any issues this spillage has caused for people who use Hove Park.

“The leak happened when one of the vans being used by a contractor developed an engine fault. The contractor has admitted responsibility.

“We were alerted on Friday afternoon after the spillage took place, and will be ensuring the spillage is properly cleared without any cost to the taxpayer."

The Argus: Councillor Tim RowkinsCouncillor Tim Rowkins

Specialist equipment was used to clear the spillage, and the path was covered in green chips to make it safe.

One walker who passed by on Sunday said: "I am glad they put something down, it was slippery and I could definitely see the oil."

“We have jet washed the affected area twice, and have also spread biodegradable absorber to help to neutralise any remaining oil," Cllr Rowkins added.

The run director for the Hove Park Junior Parkrun inspected the area ahead of the race at 9am on Sunday. The event went ahead despite the spillage.

A spokesman for the event said: "The spill has been covered but there is slight sheen of oil on the main paths affecting grip to a minor extent.

"Be aware the course is not at its best. Please take care."