Bus passengers can expect to see poems on their journeys this month.

Across Brighton and Hove, an initiative, called 'Poems on the Buses', has been launched by Brighton and Hove Arts Council (BHAC), and the Brighton and Hove Bus and Coach Company.

The poems, selected from entries in the art council's 2023 Sussex poetry competition, will be displayed on many of the 222 Brighton and Hove buses.

They will be seen on A4 posters, digital screens or printed on coving panels.

These poems will only be on the buses until the end of February, however winning poems will stay for the majority of the year.

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BHAC is now encouraging readers to take pictures of the poems they spot and send them in for display on the BHAC's 'Poems on the Buses' webpage's photo gallery.

There will be over 100 poems spread across these buses.

The BHAC's poetry competition has been organised every two years since 2013 by Kevin Rance.

Winners are invited to read their poems at the November BHAC Poetry Festival.

In 2023, the competition received over 800 poems and poet John McCullough had to chose the winners.

The Brighton and Hove Arts Council was founded back in 1974 and exists to boost the not-for-profit creative arts communities around the city.