A man is planning to walk across the five D-Day beaches in France while carrying a full infantry pack.

Mike Shorer, 66, has committed to the challenge in aid of charity Team Endeavour, which raises money for families of the Armed Forces fighting cancer, suffering from post traumatic stress disorder or who have been victims of unforeseen catastrophic events.

He said it helped him cope with the loss of his wife Denise.

Mike, from Newhaven, who owns Mike Shorer Jewellery, will be carrying an infantry pack weighing 24lb and walking 47 miles, the equivalent of nearly two marathons, over three days.

He will walk to the Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno and Sword beaches from June 15 to 19 alongside 13 teammates.

Mike said: “What we are doing this year is to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. I have done a few charity things before but this is going to be exceptionally tough.”

He wants to raise £2,500 and has already received £565 in donations.

He said: “I genuinely like helping people if I can. I have always been reasonably fit so if I can help charities to raise money for people that are less fortunate then that gives me a lot of enjoyment.

“Team Endeavour also helped me through coping with the loss of my wife Denise a couple of years ago which was traumatic. They have been a huge help.”

You can sponsor Mike via this link: https://www.justgiving.com/page/mikeshorer-tedday80.