Scaffolding being put up in a town centre is expected to stay for up for 20 weeks.

This is part of regeneration plans for The Arcade in High Street, Bognor Regis, which Arun District Council want to transform into new homes and retail space.

At the moment, the council, which has received £628,000 from the Government’s Brownfield Land Release Fund, said that site investigation work and surveys are complete.

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Work is now being undertaken to prepare the building for the regeneration work, which will be subject to planning approval when plans are submitted later this year after a public consultation.

Within the coming days, the scaffolding will also be erected on the High Street, York Road and Belmont Street elevations.

Residents should expect this to be up for a matter of months.

The council has not confirmed a date for when they want to hold public consultations on the future of The Arcade.